Low-Hanging Fruit

Whether you’ve been training with me for years, months, weeks, days, or haven’t started yet, you’ll need to read this edition of the newsletter.

I’ll keep it short … promise.

I’ve seen a lot of people start a fitness and nutrition program like gangbusters. Training four times a week, following a meal plan to a tee, prepping all their food in advance, cutting out the junk and alcohol, and behaving like a world-class athlete.

Inevitably, what happens?

The reality hits that too much of a good thing may not be sustainable … at least not at first.

So, if you’re starting, don’t go all in or try to be perfect.

And if you’re in a rut with your training, nutrition, or both, don’t fall into the “all or nothing”” trap.

In both cases, you can stick with your program longer and minimize the length and frequencies of those “getting off track” moments by going for the low-hanging fruit first.

Instead of trying to train every day, start with two training sessions a week. Make it easier and more sustainable, build some success and confidence for, say, 3-6 months, and then bump it up to three sessions a week.

Instead of starting a completely new diet, identify the most glaring omission (Fruits and veggies? Protein? Water?) and work on being consistent with that for two weeks. Then move onto the next habit for two weeks and keep building from there.

Don’t try to fix everything all at once or be perfect. Go for the low-hanging fruit and you’ll be closer to your goals.

Your Friend and Coach,

Train Smart. Train Hard. Train Safe. Train to Sweatt

P.S. – Whenever you’re ready, here are 3 ways I can help you get started with a fresh start to your health and fitness routine:

1. Set yourself up for success

If you’re currently trying to lose weight, alleviate back pain and/or improve your health & fitness, you should schedule your success session. We’ll go over ways that you can start seeing results starting right after your session. Reply with ‘success’ to schedule yours today.

2. Get that Fresh Start you need today

Join my 28-Day Fresh Start program and get everything you need to get you back on track with your fitness goals. the workouts, the guidance, the motivation, the accountability… and individually-customized Registered Dietitian-designed and approved meal plans. Reply “Fresh” to get started today.

3. Working out but not seeing the results you want?

You probably just need to tweak your nutrition. I am going to be taking on 5 new people for my NutritionOS program. In this 8-week program you will learn everything you need to dial in your nutrition to get you to your fitness goals. What you eat is 60-80% of the equation. Reply ‘OS’ for more info.