
In my search for people I can help with regaining their strength, health and confidence, you may hear me refer a lot to the idea of “getting back on track.”

That’s because many people start a fitness program, and stop.

And now they need to start again … which actually is a lot harder than if they’d just persevered and not stopped in the first place.

Maybe they made great progress, but it wasn’t fast enough for them. Or they chose the wrong trainer/program and didn’t make any progress at all.

Maybe how they define progress is simply all wrong.

Whatever the case, there are plenty of things we have to do every day. But we all get an opportunity to choose the things we want to do.

The whole key when it comes to achieving a stronger and healthier body and mind can be expressed in one word.


The decision to stick with it … no matter what.

The grit to keep going when things get a little uncomfortable or when obstacles come your way.

Let’s face it … nothing in life worth having is easy all the time.

There will be challenges along the way. Embrace them, and be grateful for the fact that they’re necessary in order for you to achieve your goals.

Seeing those challenges as “the price of admission” has always helped me. Knowing that I’m willing to do what others won’t makes the process more meaningful and the goal that much more important.

The longer you spend dwelling on failure, the more it distracts you from the opportunity at hand.

And in fact … if you’ve been reading my newsletter for any significant length of time … you understand that there’s no such thing as failure. That’s just the meaning that we’ve chosen to give the experience.

Embrace the challenges and don’t beat yourself up over the failures.

Whatever you do, don’t give up.

Your Friend and Coach,

Train Smart. Train Hard. Train Safe. Train to Sweatt

P.S. – Whenever you’re ready, here are 3 ways I can help you get started with a fresh start to your health and fitness routine:

1. Set yourself up for success

If you’re currently trying to lose weight, alleviate back pain and/or improve your health & fitness, you should schedule your success session. We’ll go over ways that you can start seeing results starting right after your session. Reply with ‘success’ to schedule yours today.

2. Get that Fresh Start you need today

Join my 28-Day Fresh Start program and get everything you need to get you back on track with your fitness goals. the workouts, the guidance, the motivation, the accountability… and individually-customized Registered Dietitian-designed and approved meal plans. Reply “Fresh” to get started today.

3. Working out but not seeing the results you want?

You probably just need to tweak your nutrition. I am going to be taking on 5 new people for my NutritionOS program. In this 8-week program you will learn everything you need to dial in your nutrition to get you to your fitness goals. What you eat is 60-80% of the equation. Reply ‘OS’ for more info.