
Motivation doesn’t produce action.

Action produces momentum.

And we tend to gain motivation to continue once we gather some momentum.

As a coach who is dedicated to helping people make meaningful changes and improvements in their lives, it’s frustrating when I hear people say, “I’m just not motivated to work out.”

Motivation has nothing to do with it.

Take a simple action … doing 3 sets of 10 squats, adding more fruits and veggies to your diet each day, or getting an extra hour of sleep.

More protein, veggies, fruit, water and sleep … more squats and deadlifts … and targeted, intelligent training of your midsection.

That’s it.

Don’t overcomplicate things.

Don’t overwhelm yourself.

Don’t wait for motivation to kick in.

It’s the action that needs to kick in first.

Once you take that first step, everything else becomes easier.

Your Friend and Coach,

Train Smart. Train Hard. Train Safe. Train to Sweatt

P.S.: Whenever you’re ready… here are 3 ways I can help you:

1. $200

I’ve got a few $200 Gift Cards I’m giving away this week to people who haven’t been getting the results they’re looking for and want to stop wasting their time at a gym. If you’d like one, reply back with “GIFT” and I’ll send you one of the Gift Cards.

2. Buy my #1 Best Selling Book!

I wrote a book!! I would love for you to get a copy and read how you can eat, drink and be fit!!

To get your own copy click here Cracking the Code

3. Listen to my interview on FitPro TV

I had the honor of being interviewed as a leading fitness professional. If you would like to listen so I can teach you that if you have failed before there is still a way for you to reach your goals. You can watch the episode here