
Our bodies seem to like equilibrium.

If we’re stuck on a number on the scale, our bodies seem to like that.

If we’re stuck on a strength number in the gym – a 135-pound bench press, for example – our bodies seem to thrive in that state of inertia.

Our bodies seem to dislike change.

“Why is that?” you ask.

It has nothing to do with our bodies.

It has everything to do with our brains … and more specifically, our beliefs.

Have you ever noticed that every time your income or bank account gets to a certain level that exceeds what you believed you were capable of, it magically recedes? A boiler breaks … roof needs to be fixed … basement floods …

Have you ever noticed that every time the number on the scale dips below the level you thought you were capable of, it magically jumps a few pounds above that?

Have you ever hit a plateau in the gym – unable to get past a certain benchmark for a certain lift?

Each one of these examples is 100% tied to your beliefs.

If you believe that you’ll never make more than $100,000, then you never will. And if you ever do, something will happen to bring you back to the equilibrium that confirms your belief.

If you believe that you’ll never weigh less than 150 pounds, then you never will. And if you ever do, something will happen to bump you back over the line.

If you believe that you’ll never be able to bench press more than 135 pounds, then you never will. And if you do, you’ll quickly plateau … or even dip below the benchmark you never thought was possible.

Maxwell Maltz once said, “A person’s level of success can never rise above the one visualized internally.”

Think about that … re-read it if you need to.

“A person’s level of success can never rise above the one visualized internally.”

Can you think of one way you’ve been holding yourself back with limiting beliefs like these? Reply back and let me know … I’d love to help you talk through them and see if I can help you break through those barriers.

Your innie friend and coach,

Train Smart. Train Hard. Train Safe. Train to Sweatt

P.S. – Whenever you’re ready, here are 3 ways I can help you get started with a fresh start to your health and fitness routine:

1. Holy Sh!t, Summer is coming!

Have you been slacking on your health and fitness over the winter? Have you put on some pandemic pounds? Now that everything is starting to open up and restrictions are lifting are you planning on going out more during the warm weather? Don’t quite look the way you did last time you went to the beach? Join my 12-week Get Ready for Summer Program. Guaranteed to get you results just in time to take your shirt off at the beach. Respond ‘Summer’ for more info and to sign-up today.