Two Traits 

I think there are a couple of traits that can give you a leg up and help you achieve just about any goal that you have.

The first of those traits is Consistency.

I believe that being consistent is one of those truly powerful levers that requires no unique talent or gift…

…rather, just the willingness to show up day after day.

I get my share of compliments and responses of ‘I can’t imagine doing that’ when I mention that I’ve worked out at least 3xweek (unless I had a scheduled week off) for the past 20+ years.

But here’s the thing…no one sets out to do that.

I just got one workout. Then another. Again and again.

It was pretty uncomfortable in the beginning.

Fearing the judgement of what others would think or say.

Not knowing what to what to do that might be helpful to reach my goals (it was a lot of trial and error when I first started. .

Over time it became a habit and those challenges diminished and now working out is one of my favorite things to do.

I think of any other area in my life where I’ve enjoyed any degree of success and consistency has been a key part of it.

Most of the people I admire can say the same.

See, in a world where shortcuts and hacks are the current trend, just showing up and doing your best isn’t just a recipe for some degree of success…

…it’s a big point of differentiation.

Most people just are comfortable with the belief that it’s ok to be bad at something for a while as you find your way and figure things out.

Then, though practice and repetition, you get better and better.

And that’s fine, because for those who do embrace that just being consistent is the surest path to improvement and progress than I know, the rewards will be significant.

So, ask yourself this:

“What am I willing to do for the next year consistently, to earn the right to be good at it and reap the rewards of it for years after?”

The second of those traits that I wanted to discuss is Perseverance.

Once again, this is a trait accessible to pretty much all of us.

The willingness to ‘stick to it.’

The grit to keep going when things get a little uncomfortable or when obstacles come your way.

In truth, I think most all of us have this trait…but most only apply it when they’re doing something that has great importance to them.

Let’s face it…nothing in life worth having is easy all the time.

From owning a business to being married to raising a child to getting that body you have always dreamed of.

But when the thing we want means a lot to us, those obstacles aren’t nearly as likely to hold you back.

So, let me give you a few thoughts on Perseverance that may be of some value:

There will be challenges along the way. Know that going in and just accept that if you want the highs, you need to be willing to navigate the lows.

Along those same lines, seeing those challenges as ‘the price’ has always helped me. Knowing that we might be willing to do what it takes to get past something that others won’t makes the process more meaningful and the goal that much more important.

At least in my experience, all of my biggest challenges were followed by much bigger wins. In fact, each of those challenges essentially were the launching pad for a new level of success.

How we handle adversity dictates much of our success. The longer you spend dwelling on the last loss, the more it distracts you from the opportunity at hand.

Those who embrace the harder things last longer.

So yes, enjoy the easy times.

But know that they’re not forever.

So think of Perseverance as your ‘payment’ to earn more of those wins and separate yourself from the crowd.

Your friend and coach,

Paul F Sweatt.