3 Things I Believe…

I had a couple of conversations with friends over the weekend that touched on the 3 things that follow…things that I believe to be true. I thought I’d share:

  1. Taking our own advice would eliminate most of our problems.

I think that as a coach, I typically pass out pretty sound advice.

The following elements are part of about 99% of the advice I see from competent coaches:

– Be consistent.

– Success is the cumulative result of actions and choices over the long term.

– Focus on the fundamentals.

– There is no one magic _________ that will fix everything.

– If you struggle for a day or two…get back up and get back on track.

Nothing special in there…but most good coaches blend their own personal preferences (exercise tools, eating styles, etc.) into it…but the vast majority of what is shared is just sound direction for behavior change and success in general.

So if we follow the advice we give…but plug in the specifics about the things we want to improve on (nutrition, fitness, recovery, creating an Ideal Body, etc.) we’d be in pretty good shape.

2. Those who regularly complain on social media are always moving further from their goals.

I don’t care if it’s about a client, a relationship, politics or anything else…it just never improves a situation.

No one is ever persuaded to change their opinion because of someone’s complaint.

If actual change was the goal…it’s likely the least effective use of time to create that change.

As for many (especially us health coaches), it opens up the opportunity to alienate a bunch of people…based on how you respond to adversity, not just based on your opinion.

I know that for me as a consumer, if you come across as a loose cannon or emotionally unstable online…I’m probably not going to trust you with my time and money…even if I agree with you.

  1. We earn the good things we get.

I’m not going to say that everything we have in life is earned.

No one earns a childhood illness or anything like that.

But almost all of the time, the good things in our lives are earned.

Fitness success. Income. Good relationships.

You’ve got to earn those things with choices, actions and behaviors over time.

You don’t need to agree with me on any of the 3. I just thought they were worth sharing.

Your Friend and Coach,

Paul F Sweatt


[email protected]

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