When should I start?

Happy Friday! I hope you have some fun plans for this weekend. If you don’t and you live near Upton, Ma., come join me at the Hot to Trot 5k on Saturday. It would be cool to see you.

August is right around the corner, and this is a time when I hear a lot of stories.

And when I say stories … I mean excuses.

Reasons to pause … because vacations are coming up.

Reasons not to start … because “things are too hectic in the summer to start a fitness program.”

The funny thing about this kind of mentality is that it rolls with the seasons.

In my experience, there’s Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer … but Excuse Season is year-round.

The same people who told me there’s “not enough time to work out when the kids are home from school” … what do you suppose they’ll be telling me in September?

“There’s not enough time to work out when the kids are back in school.”

Don’t fall into this trap.

There is no perfect time. There is only today.

There is no better time or worse time.

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.

The second best time is today.

Your Friend and Coach,

Train Smart. Train Hard. Train Safe. Train to Sweatt

P.S. – Before you go:

1. Love me? Let everyone know.

Would you do me a favor and take 60 seconds to go to Google and share a review?

It would really help me out. Thanks for your help!

2. Looking for some tips to get in shape from home?

Buy my new book: Cracking the Code: The Smart Person’s Guide to Getting In Shape from Home or Office. It is filled with information that you can start using immediately to get yourself healthy and fit without have to spend a ton of time at the gym. Get your copy today!

3. Visit The JayLab Pro Store Today And Save 25% until July 31st

My friends over at JayLab Pro are having their Midsummer storewide sale despite the rising cost of goods and transportation costs. It’s a 25% discount and good for any product in their store. And you can save even more if you bundle or select the SmartShip option. Here is the code to use: ID25.