
Two years ago today, the pandemic got real.

March 16, 2020 is the day when many gyms and fitness studios were forced to close their doors.

Restaurants could only do takeout.

“Contactless delivery” became a household term.

Liquor stores, though, were allowed to stay open. I guess wine and liquor are essential, but improving your health and immune system with exercise isn’t?

The day after the shutdown, I had our first Zoom workout. Two years later, I now offer them exclusively (due to demand), though things in most places are thankfully starting to get back to normal.

Now that we have two years of data, it’s clear that most people who experienced poor outcomes with COVID were in poor health to begin with. Age, obesity, and lifestyle-related diseases were some of the biggest factors in these poor outcomes.

Thankfully, coaches like me adapted and improved. Instead of clinging to the old way of doing things, we found new and better ways to help our clients improve their health.

As a result, I predict that we’re about to experience a golden era of health and fitness .. or, should I say, health and wellness.

Trainers and coaches with a certain level of expertise and qualifications will be viewed as adjacent to medical doctors in the health hierarchy … not beneath them.

Fitness studios are going to become places where people can take care of the full spectrum of their health … from strength training to nutritional counseling, to physical therapy, massage and chiropractic services.

The idea of “going to the gym” and “working out” will become antiquated terms. Training, coaching, and accountability will be the new norm.

And people will be able to reap the rewards in more ways than ever … online, in-person, or both.

The idea of going to a corporate gym and wandering around trying to figure out what to do will seem as crazy as having a VCR.

I’m proud and excited to be on the cutting edge of this movement.

I’m also curious … in what ways has your approach to health and fitness changed over the last 24 months? Comment below and let me know.

Your innie friend and coach,

Paul F Sweatt CPT Pn1

Train Smart. Train Hard. Train Safe. Train to Sweatt

P.S. – Holy Sh!t, Summer is coming!

Have you been slacking on your health and fitness over the winter? Have you put on some pandemic pounds? Now that everything is starting to open up and restrictions are lifting are you planning on going out more during the warm weather? Don’t quite look the way you did last time you went to the beach? Join my 12-week Get Ready for Summer Program. Guaranteed to get you results just in time to take your shirt off at the beach. Comment ‘Summer’ below for more info and to sign-up today.