
September is one of those times of year when we’ll typically see a few new faces at the gym.

Summer is over, the kids are back in school, work schedules are back to normal.

Yet many people feel anxious about starting – or restarting – a fitness program.

I get it … it can be intimidating.

Maybe they’ve been out of a routine for a few months … or even a few years … and aren’t sure how to get started.

Maybe they’re not sure they’ll be able to keep up.

Maybe they’ve gone to a big corporate gym or large-group studio in the past and gotten injured … and they’re anxious about that happening again.

Which brings me to what I’d like to say about feeling anxious.

Let me preface it with this: Of course, medically diagnosed anxiety and depression are very real and should be treated seriously.

But for the majority of us, feeling anxious isn’t necessarily a bad thing.

In fact … if you’re not feeling anxious, you’re missing out.

If you’re not feeling anxious, chances are you’re stuck in your comfort zone.

And no change, growth or improvement can happen if you stay in your comfort zone.

So, if you’re feeling anxious about starting or resuming your fitness program after the summer, realize that A) you’re not alone , and B) you’re feeling anxious because you’ve made a decision to push yourself outside your comfort zone and toward a better version of yourself.

Embrace those butterflies in your stomach and turn feeling anxious into momentum that will propel you forward.

Your Friend and Coach,

Train Smart. Train Hard. Train Safe. Train to Sweatt

P.S. – Whenever you’re ready, here are 3 ways I can help you get started with a fresh start to your health and fitness routine:

1. Set yourself up for success

If you’re currently trying to lose weight, alleviate back pain and/or improve your health & fitness, you should schedule your success session. We’ll go over ways that you can start seeing results starting right after your session. Reply with ‘success’ to schedule yours today.

2. Looking for some tips to get in shape from home?

Grab my new book: Cracking the Code: The Smart Person’s Guide to Getting In Shape from Home or Office. It is filled with information that you can start using immediately to get yourself healthy and fit without having to spend a ton of time at the gym. Get your copy today!

3. Get that Fresh Start you need today

Join my 28-Day Fresh Start program and get everything you need to get you back on track with your fitness goals. the workouts, the guidance, the motivation, the accountability… and individually-customized Registered Dietitian-designed and approved meal plans. Reply “Fresh” to get started today.