5 Ways To Stay Motivated

1️⃣ Set Fitness Goals
Aim to alleviate your back pain, complete a running event or to lose two inches from your waist. BUT, be realistic!

2️⃣ Create a Plan
This will give you a daily goal, even if that is sometimes just telling you to rest. A structured plan will always increase your motivation and your chance of success.

3️⃣ Don’t Over-train
It’s tempting to really launch yourself at the gym, but if you do, there’s a real risk you will quickly become disinterested or injure yourself and make your back pain worse. Follow a structured, realistic routine.

4️⃣ Record Your Progress
Keeping a training schedule, logbook or diary of your exercise. This will keep you focused on the task in hand and keep you motivated.

5️⃣ Go Shopping For New Gym Gear
Treat yourself. It’s such good motivation when you feel great in your exercise gear to maintain motivation and performance.  Or whatever motivates you. Just don’t reward yourself with food. You’re not a dog.

Your Friend and Coach,

Train Smart. Train Hard. Train Safe. Train to Sweatt

P.S. Want more guidance to stay motivated especially when it comes to alleviating back pain?

Send an email to [email protected] with the subject ‘Motivation’. Let my 22 years experience helping people alleviate their back pain and get in shape for good get you pain free in no time. Ask about my money back guarantee.