I love hearing your questions about fitness. Here are some we I am asked most often. Food for thought!
Question: Older people don’t need to lift weights, right?
Answer: Wrong! Resistance training is ESSENTIAL for everyone as we age, for many reasons that are indisputable. Humans start to lose muscle mass regularly in our 30s, and if we don’t work to build muscle, we eventually become frail and weak. That leads to balance problems, falls, broken bones, and more. Plus, lifting weights helps to keep us lean, to sleep better, and to regulate blood pressure and cholesterol.
Q. Does muscle really weigh more than fat?
A. No. A pound is a pound is a pound. BUT muscle is denser than fat and takes up less space in our bodies – about 22% less space.
Q.Is the “no pain, no gain” idea for real?
A. No, it is not. Some discomfort might be normal when starting a new activity, but many types of pain are not – like joint pain and tendon strains. If you’re new to exercise, don’t ignore pain. Talk to a trainer or healthcare professional to help you distinguish between normal and concerning discomfort.
Q. Do I have to go to the gym every day?
A. Absolutely not. We recommend two or three times a week with us to start. Health experts suggest everyone needs 150 minutes a week overall of moderately strenuous cardio exercise, and at least two strength training sessions a week. You can break that up into chunks of time that fit your schedule, and you don’t have to do it all here.
Q. When will I start seeing results?
A. Everyone is different, and it depends on your goals, but most people report that they start seeing differences within the first two to three months. Many also notice that that they start to feel better and move better within a few weeks.
Q. Do I need expensive clothes and shoes?
A. Not at all. Don’t be worried by “fitness fashion” you might see in the media or in the stores. Dress comfortably in whatever you have and don’t worry about “looking good.” I just want you moving!
Q. Should I focus just on losing weight?
A. No way! Losing weight is a common goal. But don’t get too hung up on that number of the scale. There are so many more benefits. You’ll feel better, move better, and look better. If you also lose weight, that’s good, too.
Q. Can I work out even though I have arthritis?
A. Yes, you can – and should. It might seem counterintuitive but think about exercise as providing lubrication for your body. It lessens pain and stiffness by taking pressure off aching joints, and it can ease joint inflammation and stiffness.
What questions do you have? I’m here with answers!
Your Friend and Coach,
Train Smart. Train Hard. Train Safe. Train to Sweatt
P.S.: Whenever you’re ready… here are 3 ways I can help you:
1. Be a guest of mine for a One-on-One Fitness Success Session.
We’ll sit down together and develop a personalized plan to help you achieve your fitness goals. Just reply to this message and put “Success” in the subject line.
2. Buy my #1 Best Selling Book!
I wrote a book!! I would love for you to get a copy and read how you can eat, drink and be fit!!
To get your own copy click here Cracking the Code
3. Listen to my interview on FitPro TV
I had the honor of being interviewed as a leading fitness professional. If you would like to listen so I can teach you that if you have failed before there is still a way for you to reach your goals. You can watch the episode here www.paulfsweatcpt.com/podcast
4. Do you have a slow metabolism?
Some people have a hard time losing weight and getting the energy to workout due to a slow metabolism. Are you one of them? Take the metabolic assessment here. It only takes 60 seconds.