Do You Need A Health Coach?

I have some breaking news to share with you:
Health coaches are NOT just for the rich and famous…or for athletes.
Health coaches are for everyone. Remember, when you hire us, you’re not just hiring someone with the gift for gab…
You’re hiring someone who knows about fitness, health, nutrition, and how the body works during exercise—and we can help you navigate the ins and outs of transforming your body.
So…if you were interested in hiring a trainer—but you’re unsure if it’s right for you—here are some situations to consider:
1. You’re New and Just Getting Started
Nothing is more intimidating than stepping foot in a gym—especially if you don’t know what you’re doing, or how to reach your goals. This is the perfect time to hire a coach.
Not only will a trainer set up the RIGHT workout for you, they can help get you comfortable doing all the exercises. Even if you sign up for a few sessions…it will give you the knowledge and the confidence to keep going.
2. You’re Not Motivated
You know that you need to make a change…but you just don’t have the motivation to do it. Enter in your health coach One aspect of their job is to provide the motivation to help you succeed. Even though getting up the motivation and working out may take some effort on your part, your trainer can take care of the rest. And besides, you’ll feel better after you do it.
3. You’re Rehabbing An Injury
You went for a jog and tweaked your back—now what? It may be time to invest in a coach. Injuries may prevent you from hitting the gym, which puts your goals on the backburner. However, a good trainer can help you navigate your training program, while focusing on strengthening the injured area. In some cases, you may end up stronger than you were before the injury occurred.
4. You’re Confused On A Training Plan
If you’re like some people, you may scroll the internet, looking for a training plan to do. And it may work for you—or it could be a total disaster because it doesn’t focus on your goals. A health coach can help you develop the RIGHT training approach to reach your goals. And…a personal trainer may be able to build a progression table to ensure you’re making progress towards your ultimate goal.
5. You Want To Lose Weight
Even though losing weight may be pretty simple to do, the right program will speed up the process. You may have limitations preventing you from losing, or you’re not doing the right plan to meet your goals. A coach however, can provide the right program and approach—so you can continue to lose weight safely and effectively.
Here’s the take home message:
Although most people feel that personal trainers are only for the rich and famous, it’s simply not true. Anyone can use the service of a health coach—especially if you’re new to exercise, you’re coming back from an injury, or your need to lose weight or have a particular goal in mind. If you have any questions, or you’re looking to get started, then contacting a health coach (i.e. me) should be your first step.
Your friend and trainer,
Paul F Sweatt CPT
Train Smart. Train Hard. Train Safe. Train to Sweatt