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N.E.A.T. Ideas.

In my last post I wrote about ways busy professionals can find times to exercise.

But somedays are just too busy to find a large enough block of time to fit in a structured exercise program.

For those days, focus on your N.E.A.T. (or NEPA)

Otherwise known as Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (non-exercise physical activity).

That’s science speak for the calories you burn from everything you do that is not sleeping, eating or sports-like exercise.

(Yes, you even burn calories from eating. I’ll discuss that in a later post.)

How can I increase my N.E.A.T., you ask?

Besides doing more household chores yourself (great idea btw), here are some other N.E.A.T. ideas:

  • Stand at your desk instead of sitting if you can.  Invest in an adjustable desk if possible.

  • Stand or better yet walk around while you are on a conference call. Maybe keep the video off if you are on Zoom.
  • Park farther away from the office. Or when you are out doing errands try to get the farthest spot from the store. This also helps lower your stress as you won’t likely have to circle the parking lot or fight someone for a good spot.

  • Or if your errands are in walking distance form your home or office, walk to the farthest store instead of the closest one.
  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator.
  • Walk to a colleague’s office instead of just shooting them an email. Bonus points if they are on a different floor.
  • Use the 25/5 or 50/10 rule. For every 25 (50) minutes spent sitting make sure you get up and move around for 5 (10) minutes. Do this as much as possible throughout the day as it has more health benefit than just burn extra calories.

Remember that health and fitness is a 168 hour a week venture and it is more than just the exercise you do.

Remember why you are doing this, keep moving and become a healthier, fitter you.

Have any N.E.A.T. ideas you would like to add? Please comment below and let me know.

Paul F Sweatt CPT signing off.

Until Next time.

Train Smart. Train Hard. Train Safe. Train to Sweatt.