Are you looking to lose those last few pounds before summer?

Summer is getting closer with every passing day.

Don’t let the anxiety of how you are going to look at the pool or beach have you doing any kind of drastic weight loss protocol that will leave you feeling like garbage and not able to enjoy the warm weather.

Sign up for my 4-week OMG, Summer is Coming Program and let me help you get ready for the warm weather quickly and safely.

You will get all the guidance and accountability you need to keep you on track as things get crazy as summer gets closer.

You will have your training and nutrition done for you so there will be no time wasted guessing what you need to do.

And, of course, it comes with all the coaching & accountability you need to get great results in just 4 weeks. And beyond.

By the time June 21st rolls around you will feel more confident (and better) than you have in years. I guarantee it.

Text “summer” to 774-232-4950 for more info.

Coach Paul

P.S. The program doesn’t officially Until May 23rd but if you act now you can get the extra week+ of coaching at NO additional cost.