​5 Ways to Make Healthy Habits Stick

Do you want to learn how to make healthy habits stick?

Specifically, how to develop eating habits that will lead to long-term, sustainable weight loss?

I want to share my “Fundamental Five” ways to really work the best behaviors into your life.

  • Drink enough water – half your body weight in ounces.
  • 7-9 hours of sleep
  • 5 servings of fruits and veggies a day
  • Eating only until you’re comfortably full
  • 30 minutes of mindful movement a day

And, most importantly, ask yourself WHY you want to make a change in your lifestyle?

If you say, ‘I want to lose weight because I want to fit into that little, black dress,’ then I would say, ask yourself again: Why is that important to you?

I want to get to something emotional. Because, when you need to tap into your willpower, it’s remembering that ‘why’ that will help… What do you need to be doing? How is that different?

You really can make positive, lasting changes. The key is to get your head around it in ways that are realistic and behavior based, like these five.

Coach Paul

For more real-life tips from an expert, friend me on Facebook. After you do that, set up a success session to get started with me today to make exercise part of your ongoing healthy habits.