What Will Make You Finally Say, ‘It’s Time’

Here’s a common scenario for people. Especially the older crowd.

They’ve gradually gained weight over the last couple of decades, and now they’re obese or getting there.

Somewhere over the years, they stopped participating in hobbies and sports. If they ever were a regular gym-goer or runner, that slipped away at some point, too.

Now they have aches and pains, difficulty sleeping, and doctors always urging them to exercise.

Does this sound like you? But you’re just not ready to do anything about it yet?

Maybe you just haven’t reached your turning point. It’s when you make a decisive change at a critical juncture to resolve a crisis.

It’s when you say, “Enough!”

It’s when you finally change your life.

Many of Us Need a Moment of Crisis

In talking to countless people who want to get fit or who have adopted a healthy lifestyle, it’s common to hear them discuss their turning point as a dramatic moment of clarity – a realization that something serious was at risk.

Consider these real-life examples of people who have been there:

  • Nate was in his 50s, eating on the go, traveling, and working too hard to notice his declining health. Then a chest pain sent him to the ER. “They kept me in there for two weeks.” Nate turned his life around, started eating right and exercising, and fell in love. Now in his 60s, Nate loves his life.
  • Tony ruined his daughter’s birthday party before realizing he needed treatment for drug and alcohol abuse – and getting fit and healthy in sobriety. “I like my life now. I’m in the best shape of my life.”
  • Alan’s doctor told him he had diabetes – and ordered him to start working out right away. With the combination of exercise and eating right, we got Alan’s diabetes under control.
  • Gina slowly got up to 340 pounds at 5 feet 10 inches tall. She developed arthritis and joint pain and felt terrible about herself. Finally, when she retired, Gina seized the moment, hired me as her coach, and got her health under control. “I feel so good. My whole life has changed.”
  • Amanda developed painful arthritis that threatened cherished time in her garden. After the coaching she got from me, Amanda was feeling flexible and strong again in no time.
  • Rosalinda was on a family vacation and heartbroken to stay back at the condo rather than join group hikes. She went home, hired me, and now regularly participates in community races. “I’ve never felt this alive. It just takes the faith to make that first step.”

How to Resolve the Crisis

Rosalinda’s right. We’re here to help you make that first step – and to keep you on track through your fitness journey.

Don’t wait till you get scary news from your doctor.

You know the benefits of exercise – how it’s good for your heart health as well as your mental health. How it lowers the risk of falling and lowers the risk of dementia. How it lets you feel better, look better, and move better.

Let that be your turning point. Take that first step. Call me today.

Your Friend and Coach,

Train Smart. Train Hard. Train Safe. Train to Sweatt

P.S. – Whenever you’re ready, here are 3 ways I can help you get started with a fresh start to your health and fitness routine:

1. Set yourself up for success

If you’re currently trying to lose weight, alleviate back pain and/or improve your health & fitness, you should schedule your success session. We’ll go over ways that you can start seeing results starting right after your session. Reply with ‘success’ to schedule yours today.

2. Get that Fresh Start you need today

Join my 28-Day Fresh Start program and get everything you need to get you back on track with your fitness goals. the workouts, the guidance, the motivation, the accountability… and individually-customized Registered Dietitian-designed and approved meal plans. Reply “Fresh” to get started today.

3. Working out but not seeing the results you want?

You probably just need to tweak your nutrition. I am going to be taking on 5 new people for my NutritionOS program. In this 8-week program you will learn everything you need to dial in your nutrition to get you to your fitness goals. What you eat is 60-80% of the equation. Reply ‘OS’ for more info.