What’s the SECRET?

Happy Wednesday!

We’re halfway through the week! Let’s make the last half count!

I’m often asked what’s the “secret” to having the body and health that you want.

You know … a strong mind and body, better fitting clothes, and being able to do all the activities you love without pain.

The secret is … there is no secret.

Improving your diet, and following a well-designed exercise program that includes basic strength exercises, high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and smart core exercises will get you there.

More protein, veggies, fruit and water … more squats and deadlifts … and targeted, intelligent training of your midsection.

That’s it.

Don’t overcomplicate things.

Don’t overwhelm yourself.

Don’t look for shortcuts, quick fixes, magic pills, or internet gurus who claim to have created some new workout program that will magically transform your body.

“If you added up all the time wasted searching for shortcuts and trying to cheat the process, the hard work could have already been done by now.” – James Clear

The human body is designed to squat, lunge, hinge, push, pull and carry stuff. Do those things consistently, and you’ll be on your way.

Fuel your body intentionally and you’ll see changes happen right before your eyes.

Rest and recover properly and your body will express its appreciation in how it moves and feels.

So yes, that’s the secret.

There is none.

Your innie friend and coach,

Paul F. Sweatt CPT PN1

Train Smart. Train Hard. Train Safe. Train to Sweatt

P.S. –  Set yourself up for success

If you’re currently trying to lose weight, alleviate back pain and/or improve your health & fitness, you should schedule a Success Session.

During your Success Session, we will walk through your entire fitness & nutrition plan and look for simple ways to accelerate your results. You’ll walk away with at least 3 new tips, fixes or strategies that can improve your progress by at least 50%.

If you’d like to schedule a Success Session, comment ‘Success’  below and I’ll get you all the details. You can also start scheduling one here