Stronger Joints

There are plenty of fitness programs out there making lots of unrealistic claims.

Losing 20 pounds in 6 weeks is probably the most famous one of all time.

And it worked … to a point.

Did people lose 20 pounds – or more – in just 6 weeks?

Yup … they sure did.

But in many cases, one of the following – or both – happened:

  • The 20 pounds came back
  • Injuries

You see, losing weight with an extreme exercise regimen and/or a starvation diet can and will melt off the pounds in a pretty short amount of time. But since these activities aren’t sustainable, the weight has a tendency to come right back.

Also, these types of programs are focused on one thing: weight loss. And more than that, they’re focused on a specific amount of weight loss in a specific amount of time.

What they’re not focused on is injury prevention and joint health, which is what people should really want as they get older.

Now, I have to admit, marketing a program called “Stronger Joints in 6 Weeks” would be a pretty tall order. The best marketer in the world would have trouble selling that.

But wouldn’t a program that taught you how to exercise and eat sustainably – while building a strong foundation of bone density and joint health – be something you’d want?

I hope so … because that’s really the key to long-term success.

Something to think about as you decide what kind of fitness program is right for you.

The quick fix? Or the long game?

Your Friend and Coach,

Train Smart. Train Hard. Train Safe. Train to Sweatt

P.S. – Whenever you’re ready, here are 3 ways I can help you get started with a fresh start to your health and fitness routine:

1.Stronger Joints in 6 Weeks

Just kidding. Not really. I’m launching a new coaching program to help a few people learn how to make some simple changes to their diet and exercise program so they can lose at least 10 pounds in 8 weeks (and strengthen their joints) before thanksgiving. If you’d be interested, reply back with “10” and I’ll be in touch with the details.

2. Set yourself up for success

If you’re currently trying to lose weight, alleviate back pain and/or improve your joint health, you should schedule your success session. We’ll go over ways that you can start seeing results starting right after your session. Reply with ‘success’ to schedule yours today.

3. Join the Train to Sweatt Community

Join a group of likeminded busy people who want to get healthy and fit from the comfort of their own home just like you. Get helpful health and fitness tips and tricks every day from myself and other members.

Click here to join now and get one step closer to that healthy and fit and pain free body of your dreams.