I don’t love to take this approach, but sometimes it’s necessary.


From time to time, I’ll have someone come on a zoom or call and talk about all the other gurus, coaches and Instagram experts they are also trying to learn from and then cobble it all together.


I’ve yet to have this conversation with someone who had a successful transformation  though.


See, trying to get input from a bunch of different sources is probably not the best approach.


Imagine someone trying to follow:


  • Intermittent Fasting
  • Weight Watchers
  • Nutrisystem
  • Atkins
  • Paleo
  • Keto
  • The Cookie Diet
  • The Grapefruit Diet
  • The South Beach Diet
  • The Subway Diet


And any others you can think of…all at once.


How would it work?


I’m guessing that it wouldn’t go well.


And what isn’t always obvious to people who haven’t been around the fitness or coaching landscape for a while is that there are more bad ‘gurus’ than there are bad coaches.


The number of people who pass themselves off as experts without any actual expertise is pretty staggering.


People who have taken a high-ticket course and were told the fitness industry is a good one to prey on or people who copied someone’s model and never had any success of their own flood newsfeeds, IG, Facebook groups and LinkedIn…but will almost assuredly be gone to another field of unknowing, desperate prospects once they get exposed here.


How do I know…because it’s been that way for the 20+ years I’ve been training and coaching busy introverted professional…and it’s worse now than ever.


Does that mean that I am the only credible coach that can help you?




I can give you about 10 or so that I trust…so, if the time comes that you don’t feel I’m a great fit, I’m happy to point you to other ethical people that might be able to help.


But if someone calls themselves a high-ticket expert…run.


If someone says they’re a fitness expert, find out if they’ve ever help someone else (or even themselves) become healthier and fitter.


Not everyone is who they would like you to believe…and you often will only discover that after your bank account is a few thousand dollars lighter if you don’t vet your sources.


Why is this important?


Because we all have finite time, energy and resources.


I’ve built Train to Sweatt for people who really want to become healthier and fitter without going to a gym.


Coaching on making the most of your limited time and a host of other things that are designed to help you make the most of the limited time & resources that you do have.


But if you are throttling your implementation because of your choice to drink from a fire hose of mixed messages, I can’t help.


I have over 2 decades of evidence that I can help you get healthy and fit that would likely dwarf that of 99% of the people passing themselves off as experts in the industry.


So be coachable. Follow the plan. Implement.


Don’t let your pursuit of the shiny object distract you from seeing the progress you want.


I can help you get there…but I can’t do it without you having the focus and perseverance to make it happen.

Your innie friend and coach,

Paul F. Sweatt CPT PN1

Train Smart. Train Hard. Train Safe. Train to Sweatt

P.S. –  Are you ready to become a new you in 2022?

Join my intensive 8-week ‘New You in 2022’ program that is guaranteed to kickstart your 2022 health and fitness journey and help you stick to your health and fitness goals (resolutions) this year. My New You in 2022 program includes everything you need to get that healthy and fit body you want this year. It also includes my new NutritionOS program to build those healthy habits you need to keep your new body once you get it. The program is limited to 5 people and starts on the 17th, so if you want to be one of them reply ‘2022’ to get more info today.