Happy New Year!

Happy Friday!

It’s almost 2022!

First, I want to wish you and your family a healthy, happy, safe, and prosperous New Year.

And I want to close out 2021 and say hello to 2022 with a few questions.

Question 1One year from now, what dream-come-true result would you want with your health and fitness?

And I mean REALLY want … enough to be willing to commit to it, put in the work and have the discipline to accomplish it.

Whether that’s 20 pounds of weight loss, doubling or even tripling your strength, eliminating back pain so you can enjoy all your favorite activities … whatever it is, WRITE IT DOWN.

Now, close your eyes and envision how you’d look and feel 365 days from today if it came true.

What’s that feel like?

What’s it look like?

Hold onto those feelings and images.

Now, ask yourself this: What would have to happen or change for you to achieve your goal?

If you take a few minutes before the clock strikes midnight to go through this simple exercise, you’ll have some very important ammunition in your pursuit of a happier, healthier you in 2022.

You’ll have a goal.

You’ll have a “why.”

And you’ll have a plan.

If you need any help putting that together, I’m here to help coach you through it.

Changing lives is what I love to do, and I’ve personally set a goal to help more people in 2022 than I have in the past 3 years combined.

I’m committed … and I’m looking for a few people who are willing to commit to themselves and make 2022 their healthiest year ever.

Is that you?

Email with “ME” and I’ll be in touch to discuss how we could make it happen together.

Your innie friend and coach,

Paul F. Sweatt CPT PN1

Train Smart. Train Hard. Train Safe. Train to Sweatt

P.S. –  Don’t wait until January to start the next chapter of your health and fitness journey.

Join my 28-Day Resolution Jump Start and get ahead of the stress and extra calories that come with them. My Resolution Jump Start includes: a personalized nutrition and exercise plan designed specifically for your needs and goals so you always know what you need to do to get the healthy and fit body of your dreams, all the coaching you need to keep you accountable and make sure you stay consistent when times get tough, and weekly check in sessions to go over your progress and make changes to anything we need to keep you moving forward. Reply ‘Jump Start’ to get started today.