
I hope you had an awesome weekend.

I usually prefer mine quiet and relaxing but I helped my mother out yesterday. I went with her as she was picking out electronics/appliances for her new place. I was there to give advice and for the use of my SUV to schlep it from the store. We introverts may not like going out among people but we will do anything for those we love.
When I’ve worked with clients who seemed overwhelmed or truly had a lot on their plate, my best piece of advice has always been…

‘Focus on 1 thing.’

Basically, when everything is going a million miles per hour around you, it’s pretty easy to look up at the end of the day and see that you’re no closer to being happier or healthier than you were when the day started.

So rather than try to do a bunch of different things to improve, focus on ONE thing that will move you closer to your goals.

Now I’m not talking about the daily responsibilities of going to work, paying bills and taking care of your kids. Those are things that must be done.

But beyond that, make sure that you do ONE thing that makes you better and/or happier … and moves you closer to your goals.

What do I mean?

Learn something new that you can apply
Apply something new that you have learned
Drink more water
Go to sleep an hour earlier
Move meaningfully and with a purpose for 20 minutes
Make each meal a little bit better … swap out starches for an extra serving of veggies, for example
Even if the improvement is small, the power of this approach is big.

There is a compounding effect. Small successes build confidence, shape habits and set you up for bigger wins down the road.

So if you ever get overwhelmed with all there is to do (I know I do), then this is where I would start.

Focus on ONE thing at a time.

Your innie friend and coach,

Paul F. Sweatt CPT PN1

Train Smart. Train Hard. Train Safe. Train to Sweatt

P.S. – Are you ready to become a new you in 2022?

The new year is here. Join my intensive 8-week ‘New You in 2022’ program that is guaranteed to kickstart your 2022 health and fitness journey and help you stick to your health and fitness goals (resolutions) this year. My New You in 2022 program includes everything you need to get that healthy and fit body you want this year. It also includes my new NutritionOS program to build those healthy habits you need to keep your new body once you get it. The program is limited to 5 people and starts on the 17th, so if you want to be one of them comment ‘2022’ to get more info today.