
One of the most overlooked aspects of a true body and health transformation is Gratitude.

In short, you need to be thankful for what you have … not regretful about what you don’t.

Meaningful, long-term change ALWAYS happens with small victories, one at a time. Be grateful for those victories, and celebrate them.

If you couldn’t do you full workout because of your work schedule or traffic, but did a short workout and/or stretching routine instead … that’s a victory, not a failure. Celebrate it.

If you went out to dinner and the food choices weren’t perfectly in line with your goals, but you made the meal “a little better” by skipping the starch and doubling up on veggies … that’s a victory, not a failure. Cherish it.

If your goal is to lose 30 pounds in the next year, but you’ve only lost 5 so far, don’t beat yourself up about how far you have to go. Be grateful for the small steps you took TODAY that moved you closer to your goal.

There’s a saying, “Don’t sweat the small stuff,” that I don’t necessarily agree with. Celebrate the small stuff. Be grateful for small victories. And avoid the temptation to beat yourself up over failures that, in the long run, almost never are as damaging as you perceive them to be in the moment.

If your goal is to transform yourself into a happier, healthier person, make sure you include Gratitude in your approach. What are you grateful for, and how can you unleash that positive energy into actions that will move you closer to your goal? Reply and let me know.

Your friend and coach,

Paul F. Sweatt CPT PN1

Train Smart. Train Hard. Train Safe. Train to Sweatt