The results should take care of themselves

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Besides nutrition, exercise is super important for blasting away body fat, building lean muscle mass, and exploding your metabolism.

But some types of exercise may not be as beneficial.

Out with the old…and in with the new. So it’s time for you to learn the importance of exercise–and which ones you should be doing to get closer to your goals:.

1. You Just Have To Exercise

Yes, eating right is the first step –but exercise is the second component you need. Not only are you going to burn excess calories with exercise, you’re going to build lean muscle mass. And since lean muscle mass is key to a faster metabolism, you’re going to have a double whammy to your fat loss.

So even if you eat perfectly all the time…it may take you a lot longer to lose the fat. But the more you exercise (include HIIT and strength training), the leaner and more toned you’re going to become.

2. Cut Down On Steady State Cardio

Activities like jogging/running, swimming, and biking all fall under this category. I am not saying you shouldn’t do it at all…I am just saying to cut down on it.

Steady state cardio has been shown to increase cortisol levels. And since cortisol is a stress hormone, this may lead to weight and body fat gain. Cardio may also lower essential hormones your body needs to build lean muscle mass.

3. HIIT Training Isn’t Fooling Around

High intensity training is a way to burn fat—while sparing the breakdown of lean muscle. This type of training, you’re alternating between periods of high intensity work, followed by a rest period.

You burn more calories during one session…and continue to burn for up to 48 hours. This means your body is going to keep burning calories for an extended period of time.

As you can see, exercise is extremely important if you want to change your body. Without exercise, you may be limiting the results you could be getting.

So…eat right, exercise, and the results should take care of themselves.

Talk to you soon.

Your Friend and Trainer,

Paul F. Sweatt

Train Smart. Train Hard. Train Safe. Train to Sweatt