The other day, I posted this on Facebook…
Choices -vs- Answers
Those who struggle are often waiting for the perfect answer.
There isn’t one.
There are only choices.
Do your homework to make best to make the choices for you…and when you make the wrong ones, learn from them.
So stop waiting for a perfect answer to arrive and either accept things as they exist or make the choice to change them.
I can’t tell you how many people I see fall into this trap.
Searching for the perfect diet or workout.
The perfect marketing plan.
The perfect day to start…
Writing their book,
To hire a coach,
To take a vacation.
The answer.
Well…let me break it to you:
It’s not coming.
See, in almost all cases, there is no perfect answer.
Just a choice.
You have to choose to move forward. To take action.
To do something.
And, at least in my experience, there’s not a ‘right’ choice.
There’s just a best choice for you based on:
Your goals
Your values
Your strengths
If you do your homework and make a choice, then pursue it with vigor…
…more often than not, it will work out…and work out better than you’d even hoped.
And in those cases it doesn’t work out…you learn. You’re empowered to make better choices next time.
In truth, making choices and committing to them is the only way to accomplish anything.
And, though you may not recognize it, waiting for the answer is a choice too.
A choice to do nothing.
So stop waiting for a perfect answer to arrive and either accept things as they exist or make the choice to change them.
Your friend and coach,
Paul F Sweatt CPT
(774) 232-4950