
Most of us think of our calendar year as being broken up into chunks of time.

Sometimes — like summertime — time seems to move faster than usual. This is an illusion, of course … but oftentimes our perception of time is more powerful than reality.

As of today, there are 14 days until Halloween … 39 days until Thanksgiving … and only 76 days until New Year’s Day 2022.

That last one really grabbed me. Basically, it means that 80% of 2021 is over.

Unbelievable, right?

Why am I sharing this? Because I don’t want you to wake up on Jan. 1 and think, “Where did the time go?”

And I most definitely don’t want you to look back on 2021 and realize it was a year of missed opportunities when it comes to your health and fitness … and taking care of yourself.

There’s still time.

And the time is now.

Whatever your goals are, don’t think long term. Break it up into chunks of time that follow the rhythm of the seasons or your lifestyle.

For example:

— In the next 2 weeks, you could commit to working out 2 days/week and making one small change to your diet … and by the time Halloween arrives, you’ll be leaner and healthier.

— In the 3 weeks and 4 days after that, you could progress to adding a third day of exercise at home in addition to your gym workouts … and make a decision to be consistent with prepping healthy meals and snacks once a week. And before you know it, Thanksgiving will be here … and you will have set yourself up to actually enjoy the holiday season and indulge a bit because you’ve put in the work and “pre-lost” the holiday pounds.

— By the time New Year’s rolls around, you won’t have to be fed up with carrying around excess weight and feeling miserable. You won’t have to be among the millions of people who make “New Year’s Resolutions” every year, only to get discouraged and quit within a couple of weeks. You can feel proud of the fact that you made the most of the last 20% of 2021, took care of yourself and made some major strides toward having the body and health that you want.

So at this point, you have two choices:

Keep doing what you’ve been doing and let the last 76 days of 2021 zoom by while still dealing with unwanted pounds and pain that keeps you from enjoying the activities you love.

Or …

Make a decision to take a small, imperfect action over the next 14 days so you can regain your confidence, build momentum and move closer to the body and pain-free lifestyle you deserve.

What are you going to decide?

Your innie friend and coach,

Paul F. Sweatt CPT PN1

Train Smart. Train Hard. Train Safe. Train to Sweatt

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