FAQs 9/1/22

⬇️FAQs ⬇️
Do I need to be super fit?
NO! You go at your own pace 🤙🏻All abilities are welcome
I’ve never worked out before. Is that ok?
Sure. I offer PT led meaning you are walked through every movement and you are checking to make sure your form is correct. Plus you can ask questions at any time!
Will I be the only new person?
Nope! I have new people joining all of the time
How many sessions should I do a week?
I recommend 3 to get good results. If you have time to do more and your body allows it…by all means do as many as you like. 🏋️‍♂️
Do you help with nutrition?
I am a certified nutrition coach and can help you with most nutrition questions and dietary needs. I also run a program called Nutrition OS which will teach you everything you need to know to make the appropriate dietary choices for your goals and needs. 🍴
How do you get your results?
Hard work, determination, consistency and accountability. We make sure you come and do the sessions you say you will do. Plus, if you don’t keep a close eye on your calorie intake you can’t expect to see great results. So, chatting with members of staff about the most efficient way of doing this is key 👋🏻
Interested? Drop me a message 😎