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4 Tips for Busy Professionals to Find Time to Exercise and Focus More on Their Health

You are a busy professional and between your children, commuting, work and other responsibilities of life, your modern 24/7/365 lifestyle often leaves you feeling like there is just not enough time in the day to fit an exercise session in.

Focusing on your health and fitness becomes a low priority in your already packed schedule.

Tip #1:

Instead of trying to find time to work out, think about how you can make time.

Remember; some activity is better than none.

The trick is to find a block of time in your daily schedule that’s consistently free of commitments.

That might be before or after work, during your lunch hour, or after dropping the kids off at school.

The time commitment can be minimal.

Start with 10 minutes in your day.

The next week, go for 11 minutes and the following week, 12 minutes.

Soon that found time will become part of your schedule.

Walk every time you are on the phone so that you can knock out some more steps.

Tip #2:

How much television do you really watch?

Don’t allow yourself to watch TV unless you are exercising, or have already exercised that day.


While watching TV, use resistance bands or dumbbells for strength training, walk or jog in place or pedal away on an exercise bicycle.

BTW, that show you are binge watching will still be there when you come back. So get off your butt and do something else.

Tip #3:

If your kids are young, pop them in a stroller and take a few laps around the neighborhood.

If they are older, exercise while your child is at their after-school practice.

Walk briskly around the field, or run up and down the bleachers or use them for other exercises like push-ups or lunges (or burpees). If your children’s lessons are inside the school, run up and down the school stairs during music class.

For extra motivation, team up with other parents so you have an exercise buddy. Or better yet, competition.

Tip #4:

Make exercise a family affair.

Exercise with your kids/family.


Go bike riding, swimming, or walk around the block and explore the neighborhood or a local park with your children.

Working out is only 30% of the equation

You still need to focus on your health and fitness the other 165+hours of the week.

Nutrition, stress reduction, getting enough sleep, and proper recovery still need some attention.

Let me do all the work to help you figure what you need to do to become a fitter and healthier you.

Set up a success session and let’s see how we can get you to a fitter healthier you today.

Paul Francis Sweatt, CPT signing off

Until next time.

Train Smart. Train Hard. Train Safe. Train to Sweatt.