The Biggest Weight Loss Myth You Need To Stop Believing

May be an image of food and text that says 'CUPCAKE 280 CALORIES YOGURT WITH GRANOLA & BERRIES 274 CALORIES Vs 1/2 cup raspberries 32 CALORIES 7 oz plain low-fat greek yogurt 167 CALORIES 2 tbsp. granola 75 CALORIES fitbit'

There are a lot of myths surrounding weight loss that you need to stop believing.

There is one, however, that personal trainers and researchers can agree on:

A calorie is NOT just a calorie.

Yes, if you were to eat a gram of protein, you get 4 calories.
A gram of carbohydrates is also 4…

Fat jumps to 9 calories per gram.

And in order to lose weight, you’re told to cut your calories to achieve a negative calorie deficit.

And this is true—you do need to burn more calories that you consume in order to lose weight.

But the quality of the calorie is just as important as how much you eat.

For example, you will lose more weight eating lean cuts of protein, high-quality carbohydrates, and easily digestible carbs.

And you will gain weight eating processed foods, sugar, and high-glycemic carbohydrates, processed meats, and trans-fats.

Different foods act very differently once they are digested and absorbed by your body. Foods rich in fiber, healthy fats, and a vast array of vitamins and minerals take longer to digest, therefore having a positive impact on your blood sugar (much slower increase).

Plus, these same foods impact your body’s ability to release hormones that boost meal satisfaction, therefore preventing overeating at other meals.

Certain foods, like protein, may positively impact your metabolism (speeding it up), therefore boosting weight and body fat loss.

And this will lead to improvements, not only in how you look, but the status of your health.

One of the biggest myths in weight loss is a calorie is just a calorie—which it may not be. Some foods contain “healthier” calories, which help to regulate your appetite, stabilize and control your blood sugar, and increase your metabolism. So remember: When you’re starting a weight loss plan, the quality of the foods you eat is just as important as how many calories you’re currently eating.

Your friend and coach,

Paul F Sweatt

Certified Personal Trainer

Train Smart. Train Hard. Train Safe. Train to Sweatt.