How To Flatten Your Stomach—FAST

If you’re looking for a flatter, toner stomach—and FAST—then these tips should help:
1. Stop Stressing Out
Stress is associated with increases in cortisol levels. And for some reason, that cortisol directly impacts your stomach.
In fact, when your cortisol levels are high, you tend to store more fat in your abdominal area than any other.
2. Eat More Fiber
Abs are made in the kitchen—and not so much in the gym. If your abs aren’t popping, than it’s time to take a hard look at your diet—and what you can change.
One easy switch to make is to add in more fiber-rich foods. Fiber, which takes up space in your stomach and prevents you from eating more, may also improve your digestive health.
3. Elevate Your Heart Rate
All the work you’re doing on your abs, won’t matter if you can’t see them. And this makes exercise a lot more important.
Exercises that increase your heart rate—like cardio, or HIIT training—may help you expend calories, and use your stored fat as a source of energy.
4. Include More Strength Training
If you want to boost your overall weight loss, then you need to focus on doing strength training—as well as cardio.
Strength training encourages more lean mass development—which could lead to an increase in your metabolic rate.
The more lean mass you have…the more weight and body fat you will lose. Plus, doing compound movements, like the squat and deadlift for example, may also work your core in an active (but less focused) way.
5. Drink Plenty of Water
One reason why you may not have a flat belly is due to bloating, which gives your stomach a puffy look. But if you drink plenty of water, you could flush the extra fluid from your stomach, giving you a flatter look.
If your dream has been to have a flatter stomach, then these tips are for you. Not only can they eliminate digestive troubles that make you look bloated, they may lead to changes in your metabolism, resulting in a flatter midsection. If you make these changes each day, then you could see a flat stomach in no time at all.
Your friend and coach,
Paul F. Sweatt CPT PN1
Train Smart. Train Hard. Train Safe. Train to Sweatt

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