Good Place

With the holiday season upon us, this is a time of year when a lot of people lose their way.

I wanted to make sure you’re in a good place when it comes to your health and fitness.

In most places, office parties and family gatherings are back on the table … which means there will be a lot of food on the table, too.

And not always the kind of food that lends itself to achieving or maintaining a lean, healthy body.

Now, by no means am I suggesting you have to eat like a rabbit from now until New Year’s. It’s OK to indulge here and there, but it’s just as important to do so with intent.

Let me explain what I mean.

Why do so many people fall off track during the holidays? In my opinion, it all comes down to mindset.

Maybe you’ve said this yourself, or heard someone else say it. “I love the holidays, but man, every holiday season I manage to pack on 5-10 pounds. I just don’t have the willpower to resist all the temptations.”

If you’re saying that or thinking that, you’re doing something very powerful that is going to virtually ensure that you’ll pack on 5-10 pounds.

You’re deciding that it’s going to happen.

Remember: Beliefs are decisions, and they create feelings, which result in actions that produce a particular result.

And guess what? The actions and results are always in alignment with your beliefs.

Always. No exceptions.

So how can you break the cycle this year? Well, the first step is to recognize your thinking. Step 2 is to make a new decision.

“I’m deciding to fit in one extra workout per week between now and New Year’s so I can keep my weight under control while still being able to enjoy a treat here and there.”

“I’m deciding that between now and Christmas, I’m going to include at least one serving of colorful veggies with every meal so I can stay full longer and won’t be tempted to go overboard.”

“I’m deciding that this is the year I’m going to lose 5-10 pounds during the holidays, so I won’t have to go on a drastic diet or extreme workout program come New Year’s.”

Once you make a new decision, your feelings change from anxiety and dread to optimism. And your actions — and outcomes — align with that decision.

What are you going to decide?

Your innie friend and coach,

Paul F. Sweatt CPT PN1

Train Smart. Train Hard. Train Safe. Train to Sweatt

P.S. –  Get a Jump Start on your resolutions this holiday season.

Don’t wait until January to start the next chapter of your health and fitness journey.

Join my 28-Day Resolution Jump Start and get ahead of the stress and extra calories that come with them. My Resolution Jump Start includes: a personalized nutrition and exercise plan designed specifically for your needs and goals so you always know what you need to do to get the healthy and fit body of your dreams, all the coaching you need to keep you accountable and make sure you stay consistent when times get tough, and weekly check in sessions to go over your progress and make changes to anything we need to keep you moving forward. Reply ‘Jump Start’ to get started today.