Which way are you headed?

Have you ever stopped to look at which direction you’re headed in relation to your goals?

Meaning, are you moving TOWARDS what you WANT, or are you moving AWAY from what you DON’T want?

In other words, are you moving towards being more fit or away from being fat?

Are you moving towards vitality or away from lethargy?

Are you moving towards being rich or away from being broke?

Are you moving towards a loving relationship or away from a bad one?

Another way to look at it is…

Are you moving towards opportunities or away from problems?

This may all seem minor and nothing more than wordplay, but trust me, it’s MAJOR and your focus is EVERYTHING.

Anyone who’s ever tried to change their results by leaving a situation behind only to find themselves right back in a similar situation achieving the same results knows exactly what I’m talking about…

Look, knowing what you don’t want IS valuable. It can help you get more clear on what you do want.

But, so long as you focus on what you don’t want – what you’re moving away from – your brain, being the goal-achieving machine that it is, is just going to lock into bringing more of that into your life.

“The only thing that can grow is the thing you give energy to.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

So, if another year is about to go by where you keep getting the same unwanted results…even though you’re working so hard to achieve different results…it’s time to take a closer look at what you’re really focusing on…

Which way are you heading? Towards your desired results or away from your current ones?

Dedicated to your success,

Coach Paul

PS:  Get a Jump Start on your resolutions this holiday season.

Don’t wait until January to start the next chapter of your health and fitness journey.

Join my 28-Day Resolution Jump Start and get ahead of the stress and extra calories that come with them. My Resolution Jump Start includes: a personalized nutrition and exercise plan designed specifically for your needs and goals so you always know what you need to do to get the healthy and fit body of your dreams, all the coaching you need to keep you accountable and make sure you stay consistent when times get tough, and weekly check in sessions to go over your progress and make changes to anything we need to keep you moving forward. Reply ‘Jump Start’ to get started today.