What’s Accountability?

I had a conversation with a client the other day, and she mentioned the No. 1 reason she feels she’s gotten such great results.
Did she find the perfect workout program? Well, I feel like my workout programs are pretty great … but it wasn’t that.
Did she find the perfect diet? I offer what I think is pretty solid nutrition advice and coaching …. but it wasn’t that either.
Did she find the perfect supplement? I’ve recommended a quality protein powder and fish oil for years, and these days, I feel it’s imperative to supplement with Vitamins B3, C, D and Magnesium to boost your immune system and protect yourself from illness … but it wasn’t that, either.
“Accountability,” she said.
This is a word that gets thrown around a lot in the fitness industry … but what does it really mean?
Accountability means you’re not trying to do it alone. It means that someone — a workout buddy, significant other or coach — is keeping track of what you’re doing. This way, if you get off track, it’s easier to get back on.
Accountability means not just going to the gym and doing a random workout whenever you want, but having an appointment to workout with someone you like (whether that’s your friend or trainer). There might be some days when you don’t feel like training, but if you have an appointment with someone, you’ll be more likely to show up so you don’t let them down.
Accountability is having someone to reach out with a virtual high-five when you do something good — like hit your water or protein goal for the day — not just when you do something “bad” (like miss a workout).
So whatever your fitness goals, don’t try to fly solo. Find someone who can hold you accountable — to your workouts, your nutrition and healthy habits. You’ll be much happier, will enjoy the journey more and will almost certainly get better results.
Your friend and coach,
Paul F. Sweatt
Train Smart. Train Hard. Train Safe. Train to Sweatt.