What’s Next?

I was inspired to write today about what I call “What’s Next Syndrome.”

I was inspired by a client who always gets to the end of each section of her workout and then quickly says, “What’s next?”

Now, on one hand, this is great. She’s eagerly anticipating getting to the next part of the workout. She’s excited to progress from part B to part C, etc.

But on the other hand, this can be a bad way to think.

If you’re always focused on the “next” thing, you won’t be able to fully enjoy and maximize what you’re doing right now.

Get the most out of that last set of deadlifts, rather than rush to the “next thing.”

Enjoy the time that you’re spending with your workout buddies or coach, rather than thinking about the dinner that’s waiting for you afterward.

Be present in what you’re doing right now, instead of longing for something that may (or may not) be better.

This whole topic got me thinking: What if every time clients worked out, there was only one exercise on the program for the day.

Just deadlifts. Nothing else.

Just dumbbell flys. Nothing else.

Just bent-over rows. Nothing else.

Now, that would make for a pretty boring (and arguably incomplete and ineffective workout).

But do you know what else it would do?

It would force everyone to put their very best effort into that one exercise for the day.

Without getting distracted.

Without wondering, “What’s next?”

I’m not saying I’d put together a workout like this. But I am saying that I can see how it could teach a valuable lesson.

Stay present. Focus on now. Don’t be obsessed with “what’s next.”

What’s happening right now is more important.

Your friend and coach,

Paul F. Sweatt CPT PN1

Train Smart. Train Hard. Train Safe. Train to Sweatt

P.S. – Achieve the results you’ve always wanted…from home.

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