​The Safest (And Best) Way To Get Stronger

With so many people getting back into a fitness routine this Spring, it’s a good time for a reminder.

“Working out” is what people do in bootcamps, large-group fitness classes, or programs based on “theory” (instead of science). This often looks like a bunch of random exercises thrown together for easy group consumption (as opposed to individual customization). And people who do this think they’re getting a great workout because it makes them sweaty and exhausted.


“Training” means that your program has been purposefully and intentionally designed in advance to ensure that you’re getting stronger and making progress over a specific period of time. It also means that you’re not doing the same “cookie cutter” workout as everyone else. In a small group personal training model like mine, we can have a few clients training at the same time, but performing different exercise variations due to their current fitness or skill level, relative strength, or stability/mobility related factors.

My clients and I never rely on how exhausted we are or how much fluid has been expelled from our sweat glands to know whether we’re making progress. Instead, we track our sets, reps and weights on our primary lifts, so there’s no gray area or guesswork.

We’re either getting stronger, or we’re not.

There are different ways to stimulate changes in our muscle and connective tissues. We can lift heavier weights, lift the same weight for more reps, or manipulate variables like tempo, rest periods, exercise order, and exercise variation.

And this is the safest (and best) way to get stronger. If you’re getting back into a routine this spring, look for something like this … and leave the random workouts and cardio parties to someone else.

Your innie friend and coach,

Train Smart. Train Hard. Train Safe. Train to Sweatt

P.S. – Whenever you’re ready, here are 3 ways I can help you get started with a fresh start to your health and fitness routine:

1. Get LEAN for summer.

If you’re currently trying to lose weight, alleviate back pain and/or improve your health & fitness, you should schedule a Lean Lifestyle Audit. You’ll walk away with at least 3 new tips, fixes or strategies that can improve your progress by at least 50%. If you’d like to schedule a Lean Lifestyle Audit, reply with ‘Lean’ and I’ll get you all the details. You can also start scheduling one here.

2. Are you an introvert? Do you like working out from home?

Well you’re in luck. I started a Facebook group for introverts are into making themselves healthy and fit. Whether you are just starting or are a seasoned pro, click here today and join a group of like-minded fitness-oriented introverts. This is the group that you have been waiting for.

3. See better results in the next 28 days than you have in the last 2 years. Guaranteed!

The last 2 years have been rough on everyone. I’m sure that no matter how hard you tried to keep (or get) your results, you just can’t quite get to where you want to be. I have the solution you need to jump start your results to warp speed to get you further in the next 4 week than you thought possible. Reply ‘results’ to get more info and get started on that body that you have been dreaming of. Don’t forget to ask me about my consistency guarantee.