Have you tried everything but still have back pain?

Have you tried literally everything ‘they’ say to do to get rid of your back pain but are still suffering?

Possibly even worse than before.

Have you ‘come to terms’ with the fact that your pain will be a life long ordeal?

Did you know that chronic back pain can shorten your lifespan by up to 20 years?

Yes, 20 years.

Of course, if the pain is bad enough, who wants to suffer any longer than they have too?

What if I told you that you didn’t have to suffer any longer?

That you can not only lessen your pain but possibly get rid of it completely.

It’s true.

I use to suffer from extreme chronic back pain when I was younger.

I am now pain free and have been for years.

I feel better than I did when I was in my teens and early 20’s.

I’m in better overall shape too.

Through trial and error, I finally found where my problem originated from and worked at it daily.

Sure, at first my back felt a little worse but gradually everything got better. First, I had pain free days. Then those days started turning into weeks. Then those weeks into months. And finally, those months turned into years.

As of writing this it has been at least 5 years since my last ‘incident’.

If I can do it, so can you.

Don’t lose hope.

Tip – Try not to stay in one position too long. If you’ve been sitting for a while, stand up and move around a little bit. If you have been standing, walk around a little bit to loosen up everything that is stiff.

Your innie friend, coach and ex back pain sufferer,


P.S. – Would you like to become back pain free like me?

I did all the trial and error so you don’t have to. I’ve helped hundreds of people get free of their back pain and I can help you too. Would you like to be my next success story? Comment ‘Pain Free’ and we will set up a strategy session and go over some techniques that you can start using today on your journey to a back pain free you.