Fresh Start

May be an image of sky, tree and text that says 'A fresh start isn't a new place, it'sa new mindset.'

In a few short days, it’ll be March 17, which prompted me to reflect a bit on what’s happened in the past 12 months.

The world changed dramatically. You and/or your family may have been adversely affected by the pandemic, the ensuing shutdown, and the aftermath that we’re still experiencing.

I’ve noticed one thing for sure though … one thing I’m hearing a lot less these days than I did during the first few weeks and months after gyms in my neck of the woods closed down in mid-March:

I’m hearing a lot less talk about things going “back to normal.”

That’s not to say I believe we’ll be wearing masks and social distancing forever. But I do think people should give themselves more credit for being adaptable … and for not clinging to the past.

We’ve changed how we work, how we educate our kids, how we eat and yes, how we exercise.

In some areas, I’d argue that we’ve changed for the better.

Unless you’ve experienced true tragedy from this pandemic — and, my sincere hope is that’s not you — I think you should take a moment to appreciate everything you’ve done to adapt and change in the past year.
Give yourself some credit for making it through a very tough 12 months.

And look at the new month and warmer weather that’s (hopefully) around the corner as an opportunity to reinvent yourself again.

It’s never too late for a fresh start.

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about a few people I was working with a year ago … people I really enjoyed working with … who couldn’t adapt to Zoom workouts or online training. “I’ll be back when you open up again,” they said. I haven’t seen many of them since. I really wish I could’ve helped them stay healthy and fit during the past 12 months. Sometimes, I feel like I let them down.

But then I think about all the people who did stick with it … and had their best year of health and fitness ever and achieved their best results over the past year. It gives me goosebumps just typing these words about them.

Both sides of that coin also remind me that the only person who can decide whether you’re going to take action or wait on the sideline for things to change or improve is YOU.

As we approach a new month and a new season, what are you going to decide?

Your friend and coach,

Paul F Sweatt

Train Smart. Train Hard. Train Safe. Train to Sweatt.

P.S. Get back on track with your resolutions and become a healthier fitter you in 2021.

Join my Fresh Start Program and become healthier and fitter than you’ve been in years. Get the accountability and guidance you need… Email me with “Fresh Start” .. and I will get back to you with all the details.