Today = YOU

I’m not sure most of us think of things this way, but today is really just your life.

In fact, the average American lives about 27,500 todays.

If you’re 35…you’ve got about 14,500 todays left by some estimates.

Now I’m not telling you this to be morbid or anything. No, I am telling you this because once a day is spent – you don’t get it back.

On average you’re born with about 27,500 deposited in your account to spend as you choose.

You can invest them in building a body that you’ll love or you can spend them in one that you loathe.

You can invest them in make yourself better or spend them saying ‘tomorrow I’ll do this’ or ‘next year I’ll do that.’

Today is the currency we’re each gifted with to invest how we choose. To build the business and the life that we want.

I’m spending today serving my clients, improving my health and enjoying my downtime.

In my world, that’s a good today.

If you don’t like how you are spending today, change it.

Don’t spend your todays settling for having a body you don’t love or wishing that you could have more or be more.

Invest each day in what you want to do. Personally and professionally.

Surround yourself with those you want to be with…whether it is clients you enjoy training or people whose company you enjoy.

Treat each day as if it’s 1440 minutes you have to invest and you only get to benefit from them based on how you spend them…no piling them up for a rainy day.

So Win Today…it’s the best investment you can make.

Your Friend and Coach,

Paul F Sweatt


[email protected]

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