Imperfect Action

I’ve really come to love the following statement:

“Perfectionism is the enemy of progress.”

So many times in life, we find ourselves waiting for the perfect time. And when it never comes (because there’s no such thing), we end up regretting the fact that we wasted the time that we had.

When it comes to our fitness, we talk ourselves into believing that having the body and health that we want means we have to work out 2 hours a day, 6 days a week … and since we don’t have time for that (who does?), we end up doing nothing.

Oftentimes, this all-or-nothing, vicious cycle of inaction and regret is rooted in a limiting belief — something along the lines of:

“I’m not good enough …”

“I don’t deserve to take the time to care for myself …”

“I’ve started workout plans before, but I always end up quitting because I don’t have enough time …”

And lo and behold, our outcomes — no progress, piling on more unwanted pounds, and feeling ashamed about it — end up confirming that limiting belief.

I’ve seen it so many times …

That’s why the concept of imperfect action is so powerful.

Just start with one 10-minute workout.

Heck, even 10 push-ups or sit-ups will do the trick.

Start by adding vegetables to 1 meal.

And just keep making new decisions that will improve your outcomes and change your beliefs.

Stop trying to be perfect. Being imperfect and taking action is the way to create motivation and momentum … not the other way around.

Your innie friend and coach,

Paul F. Sweatt CPT PN1

Train Smart. Train Hard. Train Safe. Train to Sweatt

P.S. –  Get a Jump Start on your fitness this holiday season.

The holidays are coming. Are you ready?

Join my 28-Day Holiday Jump Start and get ahead of the stress and extra calories that come with them. My Holiday Jump Start includes: a personalized nutrition and exercise plan designed specifically for your needs and goals so you always know what you need to do to get the healthy and fit body of your dreams, all the coaching you need to keep you accountable and make sure you stay consistent when times get tough, and weekly check in sessions to go over your progress and make changes to anything we need to keep you moving forward. Reply ‘Jump Start’ to get started today.