A look back

We look back and laugh at all those bizarre infomercials about “6-pack abs,” “buns of steel,” and the “You Can Do IIIIIT” guy and all the elaborate machines he was peddling. Yet the fitness world is more wild, wild west than ever … and those 80s infomercials have just been repackaged as deceptive ads in your Facebook feed.May be an image of 1 person and indoor

Let me ask you this: If fat loss is easy, why is 42% of the American adult population obese?

I can’t even escape the deception when I get in my car, where I’m bombarded by radio ads guaranteeing 20-40+ pounds of weight loss in 40 days.

If that’s easy, then gaining it back will be even easier.

It’s time to come to grips with the fact that fat loss is hard, and requires hard work, consistency and discipline. What it doesn’t require is starving yourself and making exercise a full-time job.

Don’t get sold on the magic bullet or secret sauce, because there is none.

Your best bet? Keep it simple, stick to the proven principles that work, be patient and play the long game. You deserve this for yourself … and you deserve to know the truth.

Your Friend and Coach,

Paul F Sweatt CPT

Train Smart. Train Hard. Train Safe. Train to Sweatt.


[email protected]

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