For anyone who wants to get into shape (testimonial from Rhonda B.)

For anyone who wants to get into shape at their own pace, and lift their mood at the same time, I highly recommend training sessions with Paul.  This past April, after being stuck in my house for weeks, I decided to try a virtual workout with Paul, who had been my trainer at the gym for years.  By that time, I hadn’t been to the gym in weeks, and lacked the motivation I needed to work out on my own.  Using just the minimal equipment I had in my home – mainly a yoga mat and a few weights – as well as my iPhone for the zoom sessions – I began twice-weekly training sessions.  Since then, I have continued with the sessions (even adding a 3rd session for a time), and have experienced a noticeable improvement in my fitness level, including better results than I was getting at the gym, and an improvement in my mood.  At first, I was skeptical about how much benefit I’d get from a workout via zoom, but after quickly adjusting to the initial change in format (which was surprisingly minimal), I realized we could talk and consult and he could instruct me and correct my form just as though we were in the same room.  After working out from the comfort and privacy of my home, I have no interest in going back to training sessions at the gym.   As for Paul’s abilities as a trainer, his extensive experience and knowledge allowed him to tailor a workout to my specific needs, including areas I wanted and needed to work on, as well as those I had to be careful of (e.g., lower back), while changing the routine as needed to keep it challenging and interesting.  I have found him to be as knowledgeable as a physical therapist when it comes to problems I’ve encountered, and a nutritionist when I have questions or need some reassurances about my diet.  It’s undoubtedly going to be a long winter, and I truly believe that the best present you can get for yourself this holiday season is a series of workout sessions with Paul.

Rhonda S. Boulé, Esq.

Ferraro & Boulé