Whether you’re trying to dial back your alcohol or looking out for non-imbibing friends, include a zero-proof option in your cocktail offerings. This one, adapted from Toni Tipton-Martin’s “Juke Joints, Jazz Clubs, and Juice,” is exceptionally refreshing and suits the season well.
Serves 4.
· ½ cup water
· ½ cup granulated sugar
· Juice and grated zest of 2 large oranges (about 1 cup)
· 1 cup fresh lemon juice
· Crushed ice
· Sparkling water or spirit of choice
· Orange slices, mint sprigs, and maraschino cherries for garnish
1. In a medium saucepan, combine the water and sugar and bring it to a boil over medium-high heat. Reduce the heat to low and simmer for 10 minutes, until the syrup reduces and thickens a bit.
2. Remove from the heat and add the zest. Let stand, covered, to allow the flavors to blend, at least 1 hour.
3. Strain the syrup through a fine-mesh sieve into a medium pitcher, pressing out the last bits of syrup from the pulp with a spoon. Discard the orange zest.
4. Add the orange and lemon juices to the pitcher, cover, and refrigerate several hours to chill thoroughly.
5. To serve, fill highball or rocks glasses with crushed ice and pour in about 1/3 cup of the juice mixture. Top off the glasses with sparkling water or your spirit of choice, stir well, and garnish with orange slices, mint, and maraschino cherries.
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