8 Things To Expect When Starting A New Diet Plan

You know that changing what you eat is 80% of what will make you successful.
In fact, your diet can do everything from helping you lose weight to getting stronger and faster.
Before you start drastically changing when–and how you eat–you should first know what to expect when starting a diet.
Here are 8 things you may see when changing your diet for the better:
1. Better Control of Blood Sugar
Out-of-control blood sugar is often linked to cravings and weight gain. But changing your diet to include better food options could lead to better controlled blood sugar. This could cut your risk for cravings, weight gain, and Type 2 Diabetes.
2. Weight Loss
In the first week or so, you may see some rapid weight loss. This is often due to water weight being lost, from a lower intake of calories and more water. Although you could lose a lot of weight right off, your body should adjust and slow the amount of weight you will lose.
3. You May Be Hungrier
Most diets cut calories—which could account for some of the weight loss. But if your body is used to eating 2,000 calories—and you just dropped to 1,600—it may result in hunger cravings. You can ease these cravings by eating more protein, including more fiber-rich foods, and enjoying more healthy fats.
4. Skin May Look Younger
Changing your diet may lead to healthier looking skin. By eliminating sugary foods, and increasing more antioxidant-rich fruits and veggies, you could see smoother, supple looking skin.
5. Your Brain Will Fight Back
Your brain does a really good job of scanning your body to make sure everything is good. When it thinks it’s not good—like too much weight or body fat is lost—it’s going to rebel. You need to focus on making your brain comfortable at a lower weight. Do this, and things will be a lot easier.
6. Health Parameters May Change Right Away
Even if you don’t see changes in your weight right away, just know small changes are happening in your body. Your blood pressure might have dropped…small changes in cholesterol…and your cells may be a little healthier.
7. You May Want To Quit
Changing your diet isn’t going to be easy. In fact, there’s a chance you will want to quit. But, once you start seeing changes, it could keep you motivated to stick with it. To make it easy, don’t make too many changes all at once. Start slow so it will be easier to manage.
8. More Energy
You will feel more energy because you’re supplying the right nutrients to your body. You may feel rejuvenated and energetic, which could make sticking to your plan easier.
Changing your lifestyle is the biggest step to reaching your goals. But you need to know what to expect—so you can have the tools needed to overcome these obstacles.
Your friend and trainer,
Paul F Sweatt, CPT
Train Smart. Train Hard. Train Safe. Train to Sweatt.