Things that won’t change.

We’ve all been through a lot of changes in the past year and a half. But when it comes to living a happier, healthier life, there are a few things that will NEVER change.

Here are the most important ones:

Fitness Should Be Simple: When it comes to exercise, the basics are always best. Expensive, elaborate equipment and machines that nobody really knows how to use are not only unnecessary, but they also take away from the desired outcome. If you squat, lunge, hinge, push, pull and carry objects on a routine basis, you’ll be much better off than the folks running around like chickens with their heads cut off at the local Cardio Circus. Become the best at the basics, and avoid gyms and trainers that seem to think they’ve invented some new form of exercise that has some magical powers. Spoiler alert: They didn’t.

The Other 165: Most people make it to the gym about 3 days a week. Most gym workouts last an hour. So that means there are 165 hours during the week when they’re not in the gym. What are they doing during all those hours? Factors like sleep, stress, hydration and nutrition have a lot more to do with how your clothes fit than those TRX rows that you did yesterday. Any quality coaching program shouldn’t pause when you walk out of the gym. That’s actually when you actually need the most coaching … not the least.

Quality Matters: There’s an expression about fitness that I have grown to hate, and that is: “The hardest part is showing up.” Actually, the hardest part is knowing what to do and how to do it when you show up. I can’t tell you how many people have wasted large sums of money on fitness programs that were based simply on the idea of showing up … with little or no concern for what actually happened when they did. Quality matters. Personalization matters. All workouts are not created equal. And while it’s true that you “can’t out-train a bad diet,” it’s also true that you can’t out-eat a crappy training program. Seek out a community and coaches who have your best interests at heart and can guide and support you before, during and after your workouts. Avoid those who are just happy that you got in your car and steered it within walking distance of the spot where they were standing.

Mindset is King: We’ve been over this a few times recently, but it bears repeating. Your beliefs create feelings, which produce thoughts, which result in a series of actions (or lack of action) that produce certain outcomes. If your limiting beliefs are holding you back, the loop will just keep repeating itself and producing results that you don’t want. Here’s a tip: Decide to be good enough. Decide that you deserve it. You’ll be surprised how much one decision can change the whole loop … and your outcomes.

Self-Care is Non-Negotiable: Many of us burn ourselves out taking care of everyone else but forget about ourselves. Remember, you can’t pour from an empty cup. Think about what they say when you board an airplane: Put your oxygen mask on first. Help yourself so that you can be the best version of you helping others.

It’s true that things are always changing. But it’s also true that some things never change. These are just a few of the “fitness facts” that I believe will be around forever.

Your friend and coach,

Paul F. Sweatt CPT PN1

Train Smart. Train Hard. Train Safe. Train to Sweatt

P.S. – Get a JumpStart on your fitness.

In a fitness rut or don’t know where to start? Join my 28 Day JumpStart. My Jumpstart includes: a personalized nutrition and exercise plan designed specifically for your needs and goals so you always know what you need to do to get the healthy and fit body of your dreams, all the coaching you need to keep you accountable and make sure you stay consistent when times get tough, and weekly check in sessions to go over your progress and make changes to anything we need to keep you moving forward. Reply ‘JUMPSTART’ to get started today.