Restorative Sleeping Tips


1) Stay away from caffeine, alcohol, nicotine and other harmful chemicals that will disrupt your sleep

2) Make your bedroom a sleeping habitat. A cool (60-75 degrees F), dark environment increases restorative sleep

3) Limit bedroom activities to sleep and sex. Keep laptops, computers, TVs and anything work related out of the bedroom

4) Create a pre-bedtime ritual such as bathing, reading your favorite book, and relaxation exercises

5) Avoid stressful situations or emotional issues before bed

6) Go to sleep when you’re tired

7) Don’t watch the clock. If you’re having trouble falling asleep, watching the clock which will induce anxiety and increase cortisol

8) Keep a consistent sleep schedule

9) Take early naps or don’t nap at all

10) Avoid late-night meals light and foods that cause indigestion

11) Drink enough water to quench your thirst but not so much that you’ll need a midnight bathroom run
12) Exercise early in the day