Have you started (or stopped) your fitness program yet?

May be an image of 1 person and outdoors

If you’re like most people you started the new year off with the best of intentions.

This is the year that I get in shape.

This is the year I put my health first.

This year things will be different.

But 9 out of 10 people have already stopped their new year’s resolution by the start of February!

How is your fitness program going this year?

If you’re still on track, give yourself a pat on the back because you’ve done what most people haven’t been able to do and stick with your program.

And if you’ve let it slip already, you are NOT a failure…you are a human being!

Yes, you read that right.

There are 4 main reasons why most people fail with their resolutions.

1. Their goal was not realistic.

Most people set goals that are way too hard to achieve, so there is no way they could ever achieve it no matter how hard they try.

2. You did not have a support system in place.

This one is easily overlooked. When you don’t have your family, friends, or someone to help you stay on track with your goals, you’re chances of success plummet! A strong support system DOUBLES your chance of succeeding!

3. You tried to do too much too soon.

This is closely related to Reason 1. Virtually every goal can be achieved if you break it down into small, bite-sized pieces. When you break things down and celebrate the small wins, you reinforce your own efforts.

4. Your “change” never became part of your normal routine.

If you don’t make an effort to truly alter your schedule and make fitness (or weight loss, if that is your goal) a priority in your day, your goals become nothing more than wishful thinking. Disrupting your normal routine is the only way to make room for something new and challenging.

Do any of those sound familiar?

If so, then I want to help you get back on track with your fitness goals for the year and invite you to [join my new program/come try us out for 14 days]!

Comment below or PM me and I’ll send you more info on how to get started.

Can’t wait to help you this year,


P.S. Now more than ever, staying fit and healthy is vital so rather than wasting time trying to figure out how to get back on track with your goals, let us help you become the stronger, healthier version of you!

Comment below or PM me so I can send you more info on how I can help you get started.