Sunday is Father’s Day, so I thought it would be a good time to delve into a few things that make dads happy.
These are things I’ve seen fathers in my life do consistently, and the results have been inspiring.
Own Your Outcomes. Don’t blame the circumstances, but rather understand that you created those circumstances … and have the power to change them by changing your beliefs.
Express Yourself. Expressing your feelings isn’t a sign of weakness. Happy, successful fathers don’t bottle up their emotions. They express them.
Relax! Happy, successful fathers resist the temptation to “work, work, and work some more.” The positive effect on brain chemistry that comes from doing things that bring you happiness with people you enjoy can be extremely powerful. Set aside time for yourself and your family.
Slow Down. Being busy doesn’t necessarily translate into success. In fact, the opposite is often true. Take a chill pill and realize that constantly being on the go carries us away from the people we should be spending time with … and toward people we probably should be avoiding.
Self Care. The happiest and most successful fathers I know set aside time to take care of their own health. You can’t pour from an empty cup, so yours must be filled first.
What’s the most memorable trait that you’ve observed in happy, successful fathers? Reply back and let me know. And, Happy Father’s Day to all the dads out there!

Your Friend and Coach,
Paul F Sweatt
Train Smart. Train Hard. Train Safe. Train to Sweatt
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