I’ve been focusing a lot lately on the “80 percent rule.”
Doing the right things 80 percent of the time, and not beating myself up over the 20 percent of the time when I fall a little short.
This rule can be applied to your gym workouts when it comes to a term called RPE, or “rate of perceived exertion.” I’m a big believer in building up to about 80 percent of your max capacity in a given workout.
Another way to look at that is to always leave 1-2 reps in the tank.
I have a fellow trainer friend who is fond of saying, “Nobody ever got hurt doing two less reps …”
The 80 Percent Rule can also be applied to your nutrition plan.
Those who stick to their plan about 80 percent of the time are actually going to have more success than those who try to adhere to the plan 100 percent of the time … because that’s just not realistic.
For most people, following our training program and nutrition principles 80 percent of the time will result in a major transformation in 6-12 months.
So just pick a couple of things you can easily do EVERY WEEK, and do those things EVERY WEEK. Then build from there. You’ll be amazed … less really IS more.
Your Friend and Coach,
Train Smart. Train Hard. Train Safe. Train to Sweatt
P.S.: Whenever you’re ready… here are 3 ways I can help you:
1. Be a guest of mine for a One-on-One Fitness Success Session.
We’ll sit down together and develop a personalized plan to help you achieve your fitness goals. Just reply to this message and put “Success” in the subject line.
2. Join my 28 Day Jump Start Program and be a Case Study.
We’re adding a few new clients to our program for 28 days and documenting their success. If you’d like to work with us for the next month and be a case study for fat loss… just reply to this message and put “28” in the subject line.
3. Listen to my interview on FitPro TV
I had the honor of being interviewed as a leading fitness professional. If you would like to listen so I can teach you that if you have failed before there is still a way for you to reach your goals. You can watch the episode here www.paulfsweatcpt.com/podcast