What we really need to achieve.

What needs to happen for us to really achieve:
1. We need to set goals that ‘stretch’ us but are attainable.
If it’s not realistic we won’t be motivated but if it doesn’t challenge us…we won’t be inspired either.
2. We need specifics.
Saying I want lose weight is vague. Saying I want to lose 25lbs in the next 6 months isn’t.
3. We need deadlines.
Same premise. If we want to sprint – we need a finish line to avoid pacing ourselves. To create urgency.
4. We need to actually want those things.
Seems simple…but you’d be amazed at how many people set goals because someone told them that should be the goal or that’s what they think they should do.
5. We need accountability.
We always do better with it. We all know it. From having a training partner to using a coach or being part of a peer group.
6. We’ve got to break it down.
Overwhelm kills progress. We do better when we have goals broken into smaller targets.
7. We get a prize:)
We may not *need* this, but we always do a bit better when we have a reward for winning.
Your friend and trainer,