Why you need to visualize

When you have a goal, #visualization and inner assumption of the goal achieved, are two of the most important things for actually #achieving it

The reason why this stands true, is that everything starts off as an idea in the brain and then manifests in real #life via your own actions.

Here’s how to prime your brain for achieving ANY goal:

1. Be specific

The more specific you are with your goal and thoughts about it, the more you will make the brain think of the best possible #opportunities to achieve it.

2. Write!

Making a #written #plan towards your goal is technically the first step to getting this out of your head and into the word.

Write. On paper.

3. Share with friends

If you have an idea or a goal, sharing it with a friend or a relative can be one of the best things, as that will get you external input and information you might have never thought about.

4. Create the #blueprint

At the very start, the road to your goal may seem uncertain.

The more you prime the brain towards it however, the more clear the path becomes.

When that happens, sit down and write the steps required to reach the given goal.